Blaise Pascal: Books on Pascal

It's difficult to find a bibliography of books about Pascal, his thought, his life, and the books he wrote that's not in an academic work. Thus, this list was born. I struggled to decide whether I wanted to list every book I've come across on on Pascal or just list every book I have personally … Continue reading Blaise Pascal: Books on Pascal

Reading List: 2017

I want to create a list of all the books I have read in the year. This is nice way to keep a record of my reading while holding myself accountable to reading. Note that these are books I've read from cover to cover. This is not counting all the bits and pieces of books … Continue reading Reading List: 2017

A. J. Ayer’s Short Argument Against Moral Subjectivism

Ayer takes subjectivism to be the thesis that actions are right or good if a person or group of persons approves of it. The subjectivist thinks, according to Ayer, that one can translate statement of value into statements of empirical fact. The subjectivist does this by banking their theory on the feeling of approval, which … Continue reading A. J. Ayer’s Short Argument Against Moral Subjectivism

A Simple Argument Against Moral Subjectivism

In responding to a prompt for my class, I gave the following argument: If moral subjectivism is true, then everyone is infallible about moral beliefs. Not everyone is infallible about moral beliefs. .'. Moral subjectivism is not true. Over the course of my undergraduate career, I've come across many people who have espoused moral subjectivity. … Continue reading A Simple Argument Against Moral Subjectivism